Wednesday 12 October 2016

Target Audience Research

In my market research it included a question regarding target audience: "What age group do you think is most suitable for watching a pop music video?". The feedback i got from this question was clear that a lot of people agreed on the age range between 17-25 years, me and my group thought this was suitable for our music video because of our song choice. 

The song my group and i wanted to use was 'Chandelier' by Sia because we liked that its genre was pop and the story behind the song contrasted a lot with its genre. This worked well with the target audience from our feedback because the issues we wanted to include and present from the lyrics are quite mature topics (addiction, drinking and depression) and felt that targeting it at a older audience will give us better results because they'll be able to understand what it's about and how they're sensitive topics, whereas a younger audience will struggle to grasp the ideas in the music video and fully understand them. Another reason why we decided on this target audience is because we're going to use two teenage girls and by the audience also being teenagers themselves it'll make the music video easier to relate to and appeal to them more than, for example, a music video full of middle aged adults. 

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