Monday 24 April 2017

Editing magazine advert

Before adding anything to the magazine advert, i felt like my image needed editing because it wasn't how i wanted it. I used the tabs on the right side under 'Adjustments' and turned the brightness down because before her face had too much light on it when i wanted the image to overall be quite dark. After adjusting the brightness and i slightly turned up the contrast to balance out the neon paints on her face and the dark background. 
Lastly, under the same Adjustment tab I turned up the vibrance of the image because i wanted the neon paints to be more vibrant but also when i turned the vibrance up it created a blue hue from where we were holding the UV lights, which i thought looked nice with black background and colourful paints. 
A quick edit i did for a touch up was smoothing out around her lips because the neon paint wasn't very neat and didn't look very professional. I did this with the 'Blur tool'. 

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