Monday 9 January 2017

Feedback on Rough Cut

Once we had our rough cut of our music video finished, we pre-viewed it to our teacher and peers to receive their feedback and to help us develop our music video further. This was their feedback: 

  • Teachers feedback- He said our ideas and what we already had was good and had potential but due to lack of camera shots and emotion it came off as boring and slow paced. He suggested to watch the Miley Cyrus 'Wrecking Ball' music video to give us inspiration on what to add to ours. At the start of the music video it was an extreme closeup of her face and she was crying whilst miming the lyrics for 30 seconds and this gave emotion and drew us in to watch the rest. 
  • Peers feedback- More variety of different shots, for example; extreme close ups. 
Overall the feedback we got from our peers and teacher shows that we defiantly need to do some more filming and the content we will need to film is close ups and extreme close ups of our actors face to show the emotions of the song, which will add more depth to the music video but also make it less 'boring'. 

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