Friday 30 September 2016

Roles of the team

The roles included in making a music video are the cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound and editing. In our group of 3 we've all decided on what role we'll each have, i've decided to have the role of cinematography, Ellie's role is mise-en-scene and Lily's role will be editing. We've agreed on these roles for each other because we believe these are the roles that we're better at. In my role of cinematography i will be doing  the filming and working out the shots which will fit with the music video best. 

As my role as cinematographer in order to prepare myself for this, before filming our music video i practiced holding the camera, figuring out how it works and using the shoulder rig to get used to it and know what movements looked best with this. Once it got to filming the proper music video, i felt prepared and that we could jump straight into it and not have me mess about with the camera trying to figure out how to use it, which would waste a lot of valuable time. 

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