On the front cover, we'll be taking a picture of the same actor we used in the music video (Phoebe) and having the UV paints dripping down her face, whilst up against a black background. We've decided on this image because we believed that it portrays our music video perfectly as we use the UV paint in it too. The dripping paint is to portray her sadness and depression and her facial expression will show this (closed eyes). Me and my group decided on the title 'Addiction' because the song 'Chandelier' is all about drinking to access and partying a lot and by just having it be a minor sentence it makes the word more powerful and meaningful.
The two middle images we've decided on is a smashing wine glass with the wine splashing out onto the floor and in the air. The background is going to be mostly white to have the contrast between the two colours and make the red stand out more and to follow the red connotations of danger, fear, death (like the red cloth in the music video). Furthermore, the idea has come from multiple song titles: "Broken Glass", "Red" and "Take a Sip" because the other images don't physically show alcoholism and they're all hidden within the other images so we wanted to have a picture which clearly showed this. Instead of having just a normal glass standing up, the idea of having it dropping mid air whilst smashing shows the broken feeling and being unstable. The image we're putting next to it below the CD will be a black background with the UV paint splattered all over it, this was purely to just relate back to our music video during the UV paint scene and keep within our theme of partying. The messiness of the paint splats, again, convey the feelings of being in a bad place.
Lastly, our back cover is going to have our dancer (Emily) in a 'ponche' to the right of the cover because on the left hand side we're putting the song titles. The writing on the left will be in a bright red font because it links back to the red cloth in our music video and it'll match the colours of the red wine image because we didn't want too much black and UV colour as that would be too repetitive.
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